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 Unfortunately.. the Rules

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2 posters

Posts : 787
Join date : 2009-02-16
Location : In Suna.. Killin' people

Unfortunately.. the Rules Empty
PostSubject: Unfortunately.. the Rules   Unfortunately.. the Rules EmptyMon Feb 16, 2009 1:22 pm

Okay, we all know some people hate these things called 'Rules', but everyone knows they must agree to not break any of them, since that's just not cool. Or something.

Rule number one, no godmodding. Everybody hates godmodding, unless of course they are the godmodder. So, to save some complaints, just try not to godmod.

Rule number two, us admins on this site really don't care if you get sexual, because we're probably doing it too. Though, to save us from more complaints once again, we have the thing called 'PM time'. Meaning, you may take it into second base in the forum, but the rest needs to be in PM.

Rule number three, no acts of hate towards anyone. It doesn't matter who, just don't do it. No racist, sexist, or anything else that seems hateful and could offend someone.

Rule number four, no spamming. I suppose this means no pointless annoying short messages posted over and over again, and no extreamly long siggies. It hurts my computer Neutral

Rule number five, don't try to overrule the admins. It wont really work out for you Razz

Now, that's basically it for now.

Follow these rules.. please?
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Posts : 446
Join date : 2009-02-16
Location : *shrug* Who knows

Unfortunately.. the Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Unfortunately.. the Rules   Unfortunately.. the Rules EmptyMon Feb 16, 2009 11:10 pm

And if I may, add just one more tiny thing? It's kinda obvious but I still would like to put it on here if you dont mind:

If you want to be one of the kages, then please dont just say you are. It's most likely not a problem but there could be someone else and blah blah blah so if you want to become a kage, just PM either Gaara or moi.

Thanks ^.^
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