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Join date : 2009-03-04
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Tracking   Tracking EmptyFri May 08, 2009 7:02 pm

Konan stood under a large palm tree, her face obscured by a dark blue veil. She had come to Sunakagure to retrace her steps, so that she could catch that goddamned ox. She bent over and pushed the sand around with two fingers. The tracks had been covered by a recent sandstorm, but she still knew that this was the spot.

She sighed and placed a 8 1/2 ' 11 sheet of paper under the sand and then covered it with sand, being careful not to touch the paper. It was a long shot, using that tool, but it could prove useful.

She stood up and looked towards the city. She was debating whether she should go there or not...
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyTue May 12, 2009 7:08 am

Tobi poofed right above Konan and fell on top of her. "Hello Konan-sama! Tobi is here to help yooouuuu! He was a good boy and got all the money back, yes he did!" Tobi hugged her, crying tears of joy. "He went to so many jobs, so many! But now he can help you get the thirtysix-tailed cow! Yahooooooo!" Yes, he didn't realized he mad such a mistake in the number, but he wouldn't really care anyway.
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyTue May 12, 2009 7:48 am

Konan awkwardly hugged him back and patted him on the head. "Good job Tobi," she said. "And thanks for coming to help. I was just setting something..." She looked down at the hidden piece of paper in front of her. Again, she didn't think it would work, but it was worth a shot.
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Location : Descovering the wonders of WALLMART

Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyFri May 15, 2009 9:14 am

Tobi looked down where her eyes had drifted. He stared puzzling at it. "Why are you making something in the middle of the sandy village? The cow lives up in the clouds, no where near here." He cocked his head to the side before placing his palm right on top of the covered piece of paper trap Konan had set.
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyWed May 20, 2009 2:53 am

Konan groaned. "Tobi..." She gently pushed his hand away before pulling the paper out of the sand and crumpling it in her hand. "It's a precaution," she said, turning to him. "This was the last place I saw him. This-" She waved the crumpled up ball. "-is tracking paper. If he comes back, his footprint gets transfered onto here and I can come back to find him. It was a long shot but-" She sighed. "It was my last one too," she added under her breath.
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Location : Descovering the wonders of WALLMART

Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyThu May 28, 2009 5:26 am

An anime drop fell down Tobi's forehead and he scratched the back of his head. "Uhh, Konan-sama, what are the chances the cow will step on that one peice of paper? And how do you know what his footprint looks like? If you got the chance to steal his boot, why didn't you get him then?" Tobi wasn't trying to poke holes in Konan's plan, he was just curious."
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyThu May 28, 2009 6:26 am

"The chances: one to a hundred, basicly none," she said, sighing. "And I'd know because I do. I know that's not an answer but trust me." She strechted her arms above her head and reagusted her hat. "I'm going to go into the city, are you coming?"

(she's all dressed up different so no one can recognise her Razz )
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Location : Descovering the wonders of WALLMART

Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptyFri May 29, 2009 8:46 pm

ooc: wow, she's smarter than the rest of the Akatsuki. They just walk around in broad daylight, thinking that their stupid hats will keep people from knowing who they are.

Tobi jumped up and pointed to the sky. "Nope! Konan-sama and Tobi are going to the cloud village right away! Just because the cow was here a little while ago, doesn't mean he still is. Tobi thinks that we should go to Kumogakure and wait for him if he's not there yet!

ooc: I think I better make a Killerbee character since I'm the only one who really know how he acts...
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptySun May 31, 2009 6:04 am

(well duh! first of all: she's a girl. That says a lot. Two: she's just pretty goddamned smart! You thought I'd make her as stupid as the rest of the Akatsuki? Ok... Sasori and Zetsu are actually pretty smart, but seriously. Most of the akatsuki are idiots and/or dont think things through)

Konan looked up at the sky and then at Tobi. She didn't have any leads here...and what he was saying did make sense. She nodded. "Well then, Tobi, let us go."

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Location : Descovering the wonders of WALLMART

Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking EmptySun May 31, 2009 6:55 am

"Bwahahaha!" He skipped off, counting on her following.

ooc: I'll make a new post in Kumo.. X3 this was a very small thread
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Tracking Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tracking   Tracking Empty

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