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 Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!

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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 6:49 am

The day before this, Naruto and his teamates travelled to Iwagakure on a small mission that was only marked as C rank mission because they had to travel such a long distance. When the job was done, it was too late in the day to head back to Konoha so they stayed in a hotel through the night. The next morning Naruto woke up at six thirty and left the hotel in secret, telling himself he'd get back before lunchtime, because that's when his team would depart from the village. As he explored he came across an old temple building which had been reconstructed into an artist gallary. He peeked inside through a small window in the side and-deciding that everywhere else was uber boring- went into the building. He had never been one to appreciate art but maybe that all would change today.
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 7:04 am

Sendo had been working at her parent's store next door when she spotted a familiar orange-clad ninja. She told her dad that she'd be right back and went over to the art gallery. She walked up behind him and gave him a hug.

"Hello Naruto-kun!"
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 7:21 am

"D-Death Harem?!" Naruto was surprised, but not so surprised since he knew that Sendo travelled around a lot. "What the heck are you doing here?" It's only a guess, but one would think that in Naruto's mind, he was aloud to go anywhere but it was strange when others did the same.
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 7:36 am

Sendo released the hug and smiled. "This is where I'm from. My parenst live here and run the grocery store right next door. I saw you come in here and I wanted to see you." She smiled. "How are you? You look great."
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 9:18 am

"I look..." He thought back to that morning, running by a mirror before he left and noticing the dark patches under his eyes, his runny nose, and hallowed out cheeks. This had all been gained from a day of laborious work and waking up at six thirty a.m. "...Great?" He rubbed his eyes and looked rather cute doing so. "But I can see why you move around a lot, Death Harem. This place is as dull as a bloody shuriken. It has as many old and up-tight people as Suna!" And that was saying something.
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 10:21 pm

Sendo laughed. "That's part of the reason why I left. Nothing exciting ever happens around here." She smiled. "So why are you here Naruto-kun?"
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 11:25 pm

He yawned, gaping his mouth open before answering and looking up at her. "Well I had been on a mission but now I've just gotten into this art exhibit." He turned around and poked a clay sculpture depicting a person riding a whale, not even noticing the sign that said 'DO NOT TOUCH'. "It's a little weird. Why would you wanna go to a place that shows you a bunch of mud blobs? If you really wanted to see them, go home and make 'em yourself."
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 1:40 am

Sendo smiled slightly. "Naruto-kun, there's a do not touch sign right there. I think it's there for a reason..." She shook her head. "Ah never mind. But people come here to see those 'mud-blobs' because they think they're pretty. Or interesting. Most people can't create stuff like that." She looked up. "What kind of mission were you on?"
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptySun Oct 11, 2009 11:15 pm

He looked up, blinking. "One of the boring ones. We got to pick weeds." His face lit up into a grin and he grabbed her hand, tugging her down the hallway filled with sculptures and some paintings. "I bet anyone could make stuff like this. It has no form, it's not even showing anything, it's just a bunch of blobs." That fact that Naruto was complaining about this was because, little to his knowledge, they had walked into the abstract section of the museum.
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 3:05 am

Sendo swung their arms back and forth as she looked at the pictures. She smiled and looked at Naruto. "They're, as you say: blobs, because you just walked into the abstract section." She looked backed to the painting and tilted her head. "But you're right... why are these so special? Maybe because the person was special..." She looked at him and shrugged.
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!!   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyFri Oct 16, 2009 7:32 am

"You think only special people get their pictures and stuff put in here? Well I'm plenty special!" He thrust a fist at himself and smirked. "Just plop a peice of clay in my hands and I bet I get it in here easy as one-two-three!"
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Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! Empty
PostSubject: cheap bags   Day after the mission: Visit to a Gallary!! EmptyThu Jan 20, 2011 8:20 am

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