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 Tied Up and Ready To Go

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Join date : 2009-02-25
Location : Being bored in the Akatsuki lair..

Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:07 am

Sasori stood near the demon statue, Sendo tied with a special chakra embedded rope. He stared down at her blankly, having her sit against the wall, and previously untying the blind fold around her eyes.

Pein had given no specific place for him to keep the captive until he arrived, so keeping her in this part of the lair had been the best option. He looked around, almost laughing at the fact that Deidara had not shown up for the entire thing. There was a chance the blond might get pissed because of it, too. 'That should be fun..'
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:12 am

Sendo had her head turned away from the guy and was starting to get really annoyed. Why the hell am I here? Who the hell is this?! She sighed and looked at the guy out of the corner of her eye before looking away again.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:18 am

"I am Sasori of the Red Sand." He said, finally introducing himself, his expression seemingly bored. "As of my current state, I am not allowed to tell you anything that has been forbidden to talk about with you. Of course, that includes things that I'm not even sure of, as in; why your here."
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:21 am

Sasori...Sasori...doesn't that mean scorpion? Sendo gave a short nod, only slightly less annoyed then before.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:33 am

He gave a slight smirk, putting a hand through his red hair. "Theres not much else to say, other than how we could be waiting a while."
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:45 am

Sendo rolled her eyes and sighed a little. He was right, who knew how long they'd be waiting for whatever was going to happen.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 3:59 am

He looked up to the statue, staring at it. They had two demons sealed within it so far, seven more to go until Pein could rule the world. He wondered what would become of the him and the others once Pein had ultimate power. Would he keep them since they were on his side, or would he dispose of them as waste?

He decided this was a topic to think over another time, and he looked back down to Sendo.

((ooc: Lmao hey, you know your first post to this topic? I just noticed, in my reply to it, Sasori was basically reading your characters mind, I didn't even realize O_O))
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:13 am

Deidara flew in on his bird looking really pissed off "before you poofed away i was going to tell you before we went out i had to get more exploding clay first hmmmm!"

Deidara flew downand landed in front off Sendo.

"Okay now lets kill her. BUT LET ME DO SOMETHING THIS TIME!" deidara yelled

He pulled out some clay and started to mold it into something.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:22 am

Sasori glared at Deidara, moving to stand in front of Sendo. "Imbicile, we aren't supposed to kill her. She'd be dead by now if that was the case."
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:23 am

suddenly a patch of ice formed under deidara's feet then two hands came out of the ice and grabbed onto deidara

came out of the shadows "Deidara if you were listening to my assignment i told you that i didn't want her to die."
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:24 am

(occ: didn't see your post until after i wrote this one /\
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:27 am

((ooc: Lmao s'alright, still works Razz))

Sasori looked to one of Peins many forms, watching as he walked out of the shadows. He looked back to Deidara, his face blank. If he had anything to say to Deidara at the moment, it would have been along the lines of 'You should listen, fool.' or 'Told you so.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:28 am

Naraka's hands let go of deidara and deidara slowly walked into the shadows

occ: yes i made Naraka's hands let go of deidara the is concitered god moding but is it okay because i am both people?)
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 5:33 am

((ooc: Yeah, that's alright because your the one deciding, but did you have a bit of a posting mistake or did you mean to post as Deidara and say he walked into the shadows? O_o))
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 6:05 am

Sendo looked from the guy who looks like a girl and then to the two other people. She stared at them for a second before looking back at Sasori and then looked at the rest of the people. Oh my god.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 6:20 am

He turned his head and looked behind him to Sendo, his expression looking as though it said 'It's almost time.'. Though, he really wasn't sure what this girl was needed for, so it didn't necessarily mean she'd be dead soon.
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 8:02 pm

yes i did mean to put Deidara in the shadows Smile
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyMon Mar 02, 2009 8:06 pm

(occ: I can't rember and since we aren't in shippuuden then who are the two demons that are captured because i need a demon person for my plan to work. also when i find out what two demons are there can i make a random person who is a demonlikenibi the cat person but i think she is already dead or the old guy who is the turtle or killerbee?)
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Location : Being bored in the Akatsuki lair..

Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 6:31 am

((ooc: Lmao I've answered your question through the power of telekinises XP

And I probably spelt that wrong...))
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 7:51 am

occ yeah you did lol
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 7:53 am

((ooc: Lmao are you going to reply or..? XD

I'm actually very curious as to what your going to do with Sendo O_o))
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 8:26 am

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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 8:30 am

occ: srry i had to do something first

"Okay seeing as the rest of the members are not here at the moment. I sent Konan on a solo mission to take out the three tailed demon, Zetzu and Tobi are out getting the five tailed, Hiden ans Kakazu are taking care of the six tailed we have the four tailed turtle and the SEVEN tailed Ox(i don't care if Killerbee is the eight tailed ox i made up my own person to be the eight tailed phoenix witch i will make that person later.) witch leaves the two tailed cat and the eight tailed phoenix and last the nine tailed fox.

Now Sendo this is where you come in i want you to not join the Akatsuki but be a mini member for a little while while we are under membered. First I want to test your skills, I want you, Sasori ,and Deidara to go and get the two tailed cat.

Sasori if she but tries to escape after she accepts the mission i want you to trap her and bring her back to me.

And Sendo if we are susseful on our big mission after this small one you will be one of the Akatsuki's allies

Now do you accept?
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 8:43 am

ooc: its ok! just wondering what was going on...\

Sendo stared up at the pierced guy who was talking to her. Her eyes grew wide in astonishment and then she laughed. "You're kidding me, right? This is joke?"
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Tied Up and Ready To Go Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tied Up and Ready To Go   Tied Up and Ready To Go EmptyTue Mar 03, 2009 8:52 am

occ: okay so Pein thinks that everything is working out because everyone from the Akatsuki is out going to get the demonds.Pein wants to get the rest of them as fast as possible so he captured you to help him get more demons until the others come back. He wants to test ur strenth so he is sending you out to get Yugito and bring her back so he can have the demon and see your strenths then he is going to plan an attack against Naruto to get the nine tailed demon because he is getting mad with power because he assumes that almost all demons are caught.

"No this is no joke I need your help I need all of the Demons! I NEED THEM ALL MUHAHAHAHA! when the other members come back then I'll will alomst have them all all all all all all all all alll!!!!!!!!!"
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