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 Where am I again??

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PostSubject: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 6:32 am

Sendo was walking through the forest, trying to find her way out. She had been fine until he fell out of a tree and smacked her head off a branch, but now everything was different looking and she didn't know which end was up.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 7:35 am

Naruto had been jumping through the forest (on the way to Ichiraku ramen shop no doubt) when he accidentally tripped on a branch and fell. He saved himself just in time but landing on one foot right on top of Sendo's head. He then slipped off of that as well and fell on his butt to the ground. All of this happened so flipping fast that by the time he was on the ground, he was very confused and looked around from there wondering how he got from high in the trees to flat on his ass.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 7:36 am

Sendo shook her head and then saw something in front of her. "Orange?" She cocked her head to one side and then walked up and poked him in the back of the head. "Person?" Shakes her head and pokes him again.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 7:59 am

Naruto shook his head and glanced over his shoulder to look at her. "Hey, who do you think you're poking!?" He snapped at the strange lost girl. "My clothes are orange, what's it to you?"
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:03 am

Sendo took a step back, surprised, and tripped on a stick, landing herself on her ass. "Um..." She stared wide eyed at the orange boy in front of her. "Orange...bright?" She was confused, and it showed on her face.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:07 am

He blinked a few times and then turned around so he was on his hands and knees facing her. "You're not that smart, are you? You shouldn't come to a forest with a brain like yours, you could get hurt." Although it sounded like an insult, Naruto was really concerned.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:10 am

Sendo shook her head and stared at him, her ears still rining slightly from her fall earlier. "I'm not stupid," she said slowly, but it was unsure. She sat up and stared at him.
"Where are we?"
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:17 am

He went blank and then shook his head in a panic. "Wait... You mean you don't even know where we are?! You can't tell it's a forest?! What happened to you?!"
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:18 am

Sendo looked around. "I know it's a forest...these are trees..." She looked back at him. "I just don't know where the forest is...And I don't remember what happened."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:23 am

He jumped up, grinning down at her. "You must'a bumped your head pretty hard to not remember you're in the leaf village, Konoha." He raised his hand towards her. "You need some help, and you're lucky you ran into Uzumaki Naruto, future Hokage or else you might've died! Heh..." With the other hand he fiddled with his shinobi headband.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:26 am

Sendo smiled and took his hand. "Thank you Naruto. I'm..." She paused for a quick second. "Sendo Kuromeru." She stood up and then put her hands in her pockets.

(now...just cause i like telling people what it means: Sendo means death and Kuromeru means black. Death Black)
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:31 am

(teehee, I stalk you so I knew that already... Twisted Evil ...or maybe I just read your profile...O.o)

He nodded and now looked up at her since he was rather short. "Well, Death Harem, do you need a hospital or a little bit of an Uzumaki touch up?" Cracking his knuckles, he grinned, proud of the nickname he just gave her.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:34 am

(yays! ^.^ what does Harem mean?? and you're not that short compared to me. im short too)

Sendo shrugged. "I don't think I need a hospital. I'm fine...mostly." She blushed a little and looked around. "I think I'll just follow you..."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:46 am

(Harems are all those beautiful wives of those muslim guys, it can also refer to just a sexy girl. In this case, Naruto's meaning to say that she's pretty.
Not greatly shorter, but still, Naruto is one year younger then her and in the manga at that time he was pretty darn short. But now that you said that, I can imagine the height variations better.)

He spun around and started marching away from her. "All right, I'll skip ramen for now. Todays mission: Save the lost maiden! I'll get you to my house and-" He paused and turned to face her, poking his index fingers together. "Maybe my house wouldn't be such a good idea..."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 8:51 am

(aw! thats so cute!)

Sendo looked at him and shrugged. "I don't really mind, I bet I've been in worse places..." She remembered the Abandoned Fortress in the Shadow Land and shivered.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 9:14 am

His eyes darted up. "Yeah, but my house is really messy, I mean, you can't even see the floor." He waved his hand in front of his nose. "And it kinda stinks. Like, stinks a lot, like Akamaru without a bath for a month."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 9:17 am

Sendo arched an eyebrow. "Who?" She shook her head. "It doesn't matter. At least it doesn't smell, to me at least, like duct, neglect, and dying animals." She shrugged. "But if you don't want to go there then ok, where else?"
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 am

He shrugged. "See that's the problem. We're gonna have to go to my house cuz it's the only place where you'll get some help. But as long as you don't mind, I guess it's... Fine..."

And through the magic of role plays, they ran all the way to Naruto's house while staying in the same thread! Whoooo-oooooo ahhhhhh!!!

Naruto came to a very abrupt halt outside a particular shabby looking house. It looked the same as most of the other houses around it, but this one was kept in worse shape with tiles falling off the roof and paint peeling. He laughed nervously. "Well, heh, this is it from the outside anyway..."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 9:27 am

Sendo looked up at it. "It looks homey," she said.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyThu Feb 19, 2009 9:42 am

He blinked at her and then back at the house. "Really? You think so? Compared to all the nice ones around it?" Then he glanced at the rest and then at his, grinning. "I guess it does have...personality!" He bounded forward, full of exuberance, and pulling out his key he spoke back to her. "I've never had someone over, so I'm not sure how it will look, but you gotta be truthful!" He stuck the key in the lock and turned it, forcing the old lock a little. "All right, you're about to be the first to ever see..." He swung open the door. "THE UZUMAKI NARUTO HOME, BELIEVE IT!"

The first thing one would notice would be the ramen. Empty used ramen bowls lay all around the house, some growing moldy with bits of noodles still rotting in them. Clothes, toys, training equipment, scrolls and books cluttered the floor so you could barely see the bottom. The living room formed into the kitchen, which was only a fridge and a table, and a few feet away from that was a bed with a very strange sleeping hat hung on the bed post. There was only on hall leading somewhere else and a door that had a sign nailed to it, saying 'bathroom'. A closet door was outstretched and things piled out of it, toppling onto the already cluttered floor. The whole entire place smelt much like a wet dog wearing sweaty football player clothes that had just barfed up the ramen it had eaten earlier.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2009 5:26 am

Sendo stepped in and looked around, a small smile on her face. "I like it," she said simply. She turned to look at Naruto. "Like you said, it has a personality." She made her way over to his bed and picked up the hat. "This is really cute."
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2009 6:46 am

"Heh heh." He stepped over beside the kitchen table, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I wore that a long time ago." He lied, not wanting the impression he was 'cute'. Then he picked up the carton of expired milk that had been sitting idly on the table and chugged it down. When the carton left his lips he gestured around. "Hey, I almost forgot why we were here! Have a seat anywhere."

ooc: I gotta go to my moms, see you tomorrow
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptyFri Feb 20, 2009 6:55 am

ooc: bye bye Naruto-kun!

Sendo sat on his bed and put his hat down. "I like your hat. Why don't you still wear it?" She noticed the carton in his hand and then pointed at the numbers on the side. "Naruto? Should you drink that?" She asked it like a little kid.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptySat Feb 21, 2009 5:27 am

"I out grew it.." He lied, not taking into account that his head still fit in it. "And..." Blinking at the carton, he picked it up again and drunk the last of it. "Yup, it's still good. I just need to scoop the chunks stuck to the bottom out first so it doesn't stink up the recycling." With that, he pulled out a spoon and started digging in the carton.
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PostSubject: Re: Where am I again??   Where am I again?? EmptySat Feb 21, 2009 6:32 am

Sendo giggled quietly and looked around the house. "I like your house..." she said plainly.
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