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 Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki

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The Fourth Kazekage

The Fourth Kazekage

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PostSubject: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyTue May 26, 2009 1:42 am

He dropped both of the boys onto the floor right when he walked into the mansion, stepping over them and turning aroung, glaring at them and waiting for one of them to say something.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyThu May 28, 2009 4:56 am

Naruto was hazy and had woken up slightly during the trip over to Suna. He sat up and rubbed his head. His vision wasn't so good and looking up might send a shock to his brain and make him faint again so he continued staring at the wooden floor. "Guhh.." Was all he could mumble and thinking he was inside his brain, he thought outloud, his words barely heard. "Where am I?? Grrhhh, stupid person wasn't so careful carrying me.. jostled me around too much.. I need a big bowl of ramen as soon as I can stand..." He rubbed his eyes passionatly, unable to fully wake up.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySat May 30, 2009 11:30 am

Gaara didn't move, he merely kept his face smushed into the floor, though, he did reply on Naruto's comment. "You're in the mansion.. that stupid person carrying you was none other than the Kazekage.. and you shouldn't demand so much.."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySun May 31, 2009 6:33 am

Naruto turned his head towards Gaara, poked him to make sure he was real and then looked up to the blurry figure of the Kazekage. "Hnnn.. So... Why am I here? Huh? Did I win an award or sometin'? Am I the next Hokage or what?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyMon Jun 01, 2009 2:16 am

"Ngh.." He couldn't believe it actually hurt when Naruto poked him. "Why would you be deemed Hokage in Sunagakure.."
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The Fourth Kazekage

The Fourth Kazekage

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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyMon Jun 01, 2009 2:39 am

He stared down at Naruto, glaring. "You're here because I saved both of your lives. You're lucky. now, should it ever happen again, it would be your own faults. Gaara, you're foolish to have lost it in the first place. And you,"

He knelt down in front of Naruto, staring at him. "You are the Jinchuuriki from Konoha, it seems."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyMon Jun 01, 2009 2:51 am

Naruto blinked a few times and then squinted at Gaara's dad. "You're kinda... Ugly. Are you sure your Kazekage? I bet you're not, cuz you're lying. You didn't save me from nothing. I was just taking a nap after..." He looked back at Gaara, his expression looking like it was a surprise he was beside him. "Oh yeah, you got a little mad, didn't 'cha? Well, too bad cuz now I've lost the bowls of ramen I had brought for you to make up for the one you wouldn't eat." Naruto didn't realize that he was kinda egnoring Gaara's dad.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyTue Jun 02, 2009 1:59 am

Gaara didn't respond at first, he merely stayed silent. Slowly, he turned his head and looked at Naruto, wincing slightly. "I didn't want it in the first place.. and I still don't want it. And, despite how much I despise him, yes, he did save us. It confuses me.."
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The Fourth Kazekage

The Fourth Kazekage

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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyTue Jun 02, 2009 2:08 am

"Shut up, Gaara. If it were just you, I wouldn't give a damn and you know it. Don't give me that crap. You're a worthless piece of dirt on the bottom of my shoe, and you are the weakest, most useless thing that has ever set foot in this mansion." He grabbed his third son by the hair, yanking him away from Naruto and not exactly paying attention to what happened to him afterwords. He grinned at Naruto. "But you, you are the nine-tails! You show great promise, if only my son held such power, maybe he would be able to do something good for this village. But if he had such power, there would be no more village, most likely. Say, what is your name, boy?"

((ooc: What a douche bag O_o))
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyTue Jun 02, 2009 8:49 am

Naruto's eyes widened at th Kazekage's harsh discipline. He glanced from both Gaara to his father but knew he didn't have the strength to help his friend. So he leaned his back against the wall and used it as support to help him stand up. He winced as pain shot through every nerve in his body, but continued standing and waited for the anguish to decrease so his words wouldn't turn out as cries.

"My.. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, future Hokage..." While he struggled to keep his voice from fading he glared at the Kazekage. "And I don't like the way you're treating my friend.." As cheesy as this sounded, he couldn't think of anything else to say in such a situation. His mind was blurry and his body felt like flames leaped at his skin. The only reason he was standing was because he felt so powerless on the ground, looking up to someone he gained an immediate hatred for.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 2:40 am

Turning his head to look at Naruto, his eyes were slightly wide. He still wasn't used to having a friend, it seemed. Though, he suddenly felt afraid for the blond, turning his eyes to his father. "Leave it, Naruto.. your opinion doesn't make a difference to him.."
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The Fourth Kazekage

The Fourth Kazekage

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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 2:48 am

"Of course you're going to be future Hokage." He smirked, then stood as well, now towering over Naruto again. He turned his head and glared at Gaara. "Though, being friends with someone like him won't get you there. How anybody is able to trust such an incompetent fool is beyond me."

He turned his attention back to Naruto. "You've got some nerve though, kid. Naruto Uzumaki, you say.. here, you're injured. I'll take you to the medics, and soon you'll be able to go back to Konoha. I'll escort you with one of my more successful brats when the time comes."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 4:16 am

He glared at the man right in the eye for a few seconds, refusing to back down. Then he slid his eyes to Gaara and back to the Kazekage. "Why are you judging him on his power alone? In a healthier state, he could kill you easily." Naruto's legs gave in and he sat back down, hugging himself. It wasn't fair, why were people so insolent? He didn't want to been seen as a better person because he had a stronger demon, he wanted to be a stronger ninja. He wondered if all the other Jinchuuriki were compared to eachother in the same way.

Sadly, he looked over at his friend. His eyes were drooping and he desperatly needed sleep but willed himself to stand up and walk over to Gaara. Looking down at him, he decided it was obvious he was the only one who was going to help. So he bent and grabbed Gaara by the armpits, pulling him up and forcing his friend to lean on him. This was all done very slowly and carefully yet still hurt in an unimaginable way. He slung Gaara's arm over his own shoulder and made a very slow decent towards the door. "I think... I can.. Get us to the medics... By myself." Everything was a swirl of blurry colours and blobs and Naruto felt as though he was going to throw up and faint at the same time. But he persisted to push himself, probably going to die from it later.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 5:11 am

"No.." He refused to let Naruto push himself too much, so, he grabbed onto the door frame as they went through it. "One, it isn't this way.. and two, you're not in the right condition."

Sand curled around their feet, and Gaara glanced at Naruto through the corner of his eye. He spoke in a bit of a whisper. "I have yet to repay you.."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 5:51 am

Naruto huffed in and out a few times, unable to understand common speech. He felt like he was falling and his heart rate accelerated. Unable to determin reality, his only instinct was to keep hold of Gaara. So he stopped trying to move and clunge to Gaara, refusing to stop supporting him.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 5:57 am

"I will get you the help you need.." The sand around their feet piled up, and Gaara let go of the door frame. He pulled Naruto into a sitting position on it, then glared back at his father. "It would be kind of you to stay away from us for the time being."

It didn't take too much of his strength to bring them to the medical room, so long as he kept a steady pace with the sand. "You need to relax.. okay..?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyWed Jun 03, 2009 7:01 am

Naruto struggled to breath properly. "Gah.. It hurts.. Stupid, but it really does hurt a lot..." He shut his eyes tight, refusing to move or let go of his friend.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyThu Jun 04, 2009 5:26 am

"I'm sorry.." He frowned, knowing it was his fault that Naruto was so exhausted. Once they reached the medical room, which took a very long time at the pace they were going, he made sure that sand was flat against the ground, then released his control on it. He felt a bit more energy come to him once he let go of the sand, and he slowly brought himself and Naruto up, limping a few steps to the door. He knocked, and soon enough some random medic ninja opened the door, their eyes widening slightly when they looked at the two.

"Take him.." Gaara growled, glaring at the medic in front of him. It was a great time to slack off, wasn't it? A few more medics rushed over, taking Naruto from Gaara and carefully rushing him to one of the beds. He slumped down on the wall, watching everything they did and wondering what was going to happen, and worrying for the first time in his life for over six years.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySat Jun 06, 2009 8:13 am

Naruto opened his eyes slightly when he was taken away from Gaara and acted as a child while he was put to bed. But once he got there he started to regain a bit more of himself. Although, he was tired, so he slumped down in the bed, closing his eyes and resting his propped up head on the pillow. "This isn't so good huh.." It took him a while to complete a sentence, but only out of exhaustion. "I'm gonna.. Have 'ta stay here for at least a day and I'm.. I'm not gonna be able to pay they're bill.. They better know that before they start yelling at me when I try to leave.." He was mostly talking to himself at this point.
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySun Jun 07, 2009 5:02 am

"I'll handle that when the time comes.." He closed his eyes and lowered his head slightly, his knees close to his chest from the way he had slumped down. Though, he rested his arms on them, so it all worked out. "Don't worry about it, okay?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyTue Jun 09, 2009 3:51 am

Naruto turned his head towards Gaara, eyes closed but still smiling. "Hey Gaara, how come you lost but I'm the one in the hospital bed? I beat'cha, didn't I? I'm sure I did. And then ole' wrinkly neck came, but he doesn't matter much. What does matter is that you owe me a bowl of ramen.." He licked his lips which had become dry. "Believe it."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptyThu Jun 11, 2009 5:45 am

He felt a smile come to his face, and it felt strange, but he didn't stop it. "Yes, Naruto.. you did defeat me. I'm not in a hospital bed because the medics are probably afraid, I still have a horrid reputation.. I will buy you ramen, Naruto, as an addition to the thanks that I owe you as well."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 4:03 am

If he could move he would've waved his arm in a 'goodness to gracious, you're to kind' fasion but as this was not the case, he didn't. "Naw, not me, you're buying it for yourself, numbnuts. And I didn't do much, not much at all. Just knocked a bit of sense into ya." He grinned, very enthusiastic for his situation. "Now, come over here and lie in bed with papa Uzumaki. The floor is no place for a growing boy, believe it."
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 5:30 am

"..." He looked up at Naruto, the smile not on his face anymore, but replaced with a slightly confused expression. "Papa.. Uzumaki..?"

He shrugged a bit, using his hands to attempt to stand up with the support of the wall. "Knocking a bit of sense into me seemed like it was the best thing for me at that point.. I was really.. lost. But I still don't want to eat.. I guess if it's what you want, then I'll do it. But I will be getting you some too."

Last edited by Gaara on Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki   Dropping Off The Jinchuuriki EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 5:42 am

"Yay!" Naruto cheered. "That makes it even better!" Then he - very slowly - rolled over so Gaara could have room. "But they can't egnore you if you're right beside me, so c'mon. Maybe you can have a nap too."
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