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 Break Time

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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Break Time   Break Time EmptyMon Mar 23, 2009 12:19 pm

Kankuro placed crow down beside him, sitting down on the sand, not far from the oasis. He smiled, laying down in the sand and closing his eyes.

"A well deserved break.. yep, some good time to myself, away from missions, away from nagging Temari, away from terrifying Gaara.."
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyTue Mar 24, 2009 9:22 am

Naruto, taking yet another trip to the sand village, saw two black figures lying in the sand. From behind, he ran up to Kankuro and thought he'd meet the creepy-ass puppet master by jumping in front of him. So about five feet away from Kankuro's head, Naruto jumped and yelled in the air just to make sure he was known.

Unfortunately, his measures were off and he landed square-dab in the middle of Kankuro's stomach.
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyTue Mar 24, 2009 9:48 am

"What the-?!" His eyes shot open and he gave a half gasp, half grunt when Naruto landed on his stomach. He choughed loudly, pushing the blond off him with haste. "Guh! You*cough* idiot!!"

He glared while holding his stomach. "What the hell?! Who are you and why the hell did you do that?!"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 5:14 am

Naruto landed face first into the sand in front of Kankuro. Sputtering, coughing and trying to brush away the sand from his face, he sat down facing him. "Aargg! What the hell was that for?!" He yelled at Kankuro for pushing him into the sand. "U-yuck! Blech!" He spit and stuck his toungue out, which was covered in sand. "Nice way to greet someone, lipstick cat!"

ooc: lol, Naruto can't diss for his life. X3
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 8:22 am

"I could say the same to you, you little brat!" He glared, standing up and walking the one step to Naruto, and bent down, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him up, holding him one foot off the ground. "Your not from this village, what are you doing here?!"

((ooc: Seems that way lmao))
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySat Mar 28, 2009 11:32 pm

He growled as Kankuro picked him up. "My name's Naruto Uzuzmaki, future Hokage, believe it!" Then he kneed Kankuro in the stomach, causing him to drop him. Naruto landed on the ground and crossed his arms. "And what I'm doing here is no concern of your's, but now that I look at it, the sand ninja don't know how to welcome someone. Who taught you manners? The Kool-aid man?"
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Mar 29, 2009 12:10 am

He glared down at Naruto, holding his stomach again. "I have no idea who your talking about. And you? The Hokage? Psh, they'd be making a horrible decision if they did that. And you must be dumb, because since your trespassing in our village, as a Sunagakure ninja it is my duty to interrogate you. Just to make sure your not going to bomb us, or something."
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Mar 29, 2009 12:32 am

He grimaced and stuck his tongue out, spitting left over pieces of sand at Kankuro. "All you sand ninja's just love to pick on me and my future as Hokage. But I'm not gonna have another fight about it." Then he stretched out his arms, showing Kankuro his full clothing attire. "And do I look like I'm carrying a bomb? Seriously, do you really think the kid wearing the neon orange jump suit is going to be carrying the bomb?"
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Mar 29, 2009 12:38 am

He took his foot and kicked Naruto in the chest, keeping his foot there and pinning him to the ground with it. "Listen, punk, you can't be too careful these days. How do I know your not just in disguise, huh? Why'd you come here, anyway?!"

((ooc: Kankuro is mean O_o))
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 6:22 am

From the ground, he squinted defiantly at Kankuro and pouted. "I was visiting a friend, well, sorta. I also just kinda like the feel of this place." Naruto's scowl turned into a smirk as he noticed a certain special spot of Kankuro was left wide open. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do.." He outstretched his leg upwards and kicked Kankuro square in the balls.

Then he jumped up, crossing his arms, and laughing out loud. He felt very smug about himself. "Since that line includes you, I think that seemed very fair, heheh."

ooc: ya, well, so is Naruto. X3
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 8:51 am

((ooc: Ouch.))

Kankuro was left curling in on himself and tumbling to the ground, groaning in pain. "Ughhh.. damnit..."
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyFri Apr 03, 2009 9:01 am

((ooc: I just had to bring Gaara here.. he couldn't miss that, it was priceless XD))

Gaara had watched from when Kankuro pinned Naruto to the ground, then got counter attacked in his special place. This had actually brought a smirk to Gaara's face, somehow. It was a surprise that the red head's face hadn't cracked. It was even creepier when Gaara started to laugh quietly.

"Heh.. heh heh.." He walked up from behind Naruto, his arms crossed. He stared down at Kankuro. "Fool, that is what you get for not paying attention to what areas you've left open. Maybe you shouldn't be so full of yourself next time. Your a disgrace to the village, think before you act. And don't mess with Naruto."

((ooc: That seems very unlikely of Gaara.... Oh well Razz

And if some random person just walked up to them, it would look like Kankuro just got gang banged by them O_O))
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 6:14 am

ooc: To an average person it would look like they found Kankuro in the middle of the desert, dying, and then decided to watch him slowly die instead of helping him. To you, it would look like they gang banged him. X3 lol

Naruto -who was surprisingly not startled by Gaara's sudden entry- turned his head towards him and then gave the red head a full scale glomp. "Bwahaha! Gaara! How's it going buddy! I was just comin' to see you!" Glancing at Kankuro, he gave him the middle finger and then grinned back at Gaara, not releasing him from his embrace. "Hey, how do you know this cat-lipstick wearing jerk? He attack you in an ally or something?"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 7:19 am

"Coming to see me..?" He stared at Naruto, not used to someone being so close to him in a way that wasn't endangering enough for his sand to come into play. The embrace shocked him, but he decided to let it be. Which is surprising for those who know anything about Gaara.

"He is the painfully useless piece of flesh who's reason in life is to bring annoyance upon those around him."
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 8:02 am

"In other words," Kankuro said, slowly sitting up. "I'm his older brother. And who the hell are you to him, anyway?"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Apr 05, 2009 9:53 am

Naruto let go of Gaara and wobbled up to Kankuro. He squinted at him and in one quick flash of orange blur, he poked his cheek and then turned around, shaking his head to Gaara. "He's nothing like you. He looks more like a fantasy Garfeild had while reading Honcho." Then he laughed and with his back still to Kankuro, he bent over so Kankuro had a nice veiw of his ass. Grinning, he called to him from in between his legs. "You better remember my name, Naruto Uzumaki, cuz I'm not just gonna become Hokage, but I'm also your brother's best friend, believe it!" With that, he raised one fist off the ground and held it up, ready for Gaara to give him the super-best-friend-props-of-death.
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 10:53 am

Gaara stared at the fist, then remembered what it had meant, so he lifted his already balled into a fist hand and tapped it against Naruto's.
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyMon Apr 06, 2009 10:57 am

Kankuro stared at them in disbelief as he stood from the ground. "Garfield? Honcho? Gaara's best friend?! Am I high!?"

He moved around so that he could see what they were doing, and his wide eyes gazed at the bonding of propitization between them. He wasn't even sure if propitization was a word. Apparently according to the power of spell check it wasn't. But he was too tripped out to understand any of this.

"Gaara..?? Are you okay..? Is there something you would like to talk to me about?"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyWed Apr 08, 2009 3:27 am

Naruto pulled himself up to his normal standing position, grinning. "There's nothing to talk about." He answered in Gaara's place. "Is it so weird for someone to have a best friend?" In this question, Naruto dismissed the fact that he had never had a best friend in his life and decided to not make himself look like a loser by saying so.
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyWed Apr 08, 2009 4:32 am

"My brother and I can decide if there's nothing to talk about, thank you very much." He refrained from tripping Naruto or sticking his tongue out at him. Gaara might kill him if he did. "Is it weird.. hah.. hahaha... I assume this must be your mere second time of ever talking with Gaara, then? If you knew him, then you'd know that he's not the 'best friend' type. Your his first."

((ooc: He'll be his first in a lot of other things as well Wink

Teehee O_o))
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyWed Apr 08, 2009 6:52 am

ooc: I dunno, maybe Kankuro will scare him away. Naruto doesn't want to sit there making out with Gaara if the thought of Kankuro watching them through the window passes his mind. T.T

Naruto crossed his arms and pouted. "Gaara's the coolest person this world has ever seen, besides me. He is so the 'best friend' type, everybody else is just isn't his type. Ever thought about that? That everyone else just has the problem?" He took a step back and swung his arm around Gaara's shoulder, a sincere smile plastered all over his face. "And I don't give a rats ass if I'm his first best friend, It's not so alarming you gotta get all hyped up about it, believe it!"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyWed Apr 08, 2009 8:13 am

He blinked, not used to someone being so close. But still, he didn't brush him off.He wasn't exactly sure why.

"Kankuro, maybe you should stop worrying about me and worry about how you don't have any friends."

((ooc: Yeah, I don't think Gaara would like it either if Kankuro was at the window watching O_o))
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Puppet Master

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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyWed Apr 08, 2009 8:21 am

"D-d-duuhh....??" He blinked furiously, trying to understand what was going on. "What... Gaara, did you have some sort of 'spontaneous change in heart' chip shoved into your skull? Or are you trying to give me a brain disfunction? Really, it would be nice of you to drop the act.. or... is this your... boyfriend..?"
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptySun Apr 12, 2009 11:15 pm

Naruto dropped his jaw in anger, his face turning blood red. And without thinking he took a step towards Kankuro and punched him in the cheek, sending him flying a few feet away. He then spun around quickly, facing Gaara and cupped his hands behind his head. "Man, Gaara, I wish you were a girl. Even if we were just friends, at least people wouldn't think I was gay."

ooc: I feel bad for Kankuro TT.TT he's so confused.
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PostSubject: Re: Break Time   Break Time EmptyMon Apr 13, 2009 5:06 am

((ooc: Lmao yeah, and he got punched in the face for pulling up the assumption that the two may have been together XP Not his fault LOL))

Gaara stared blankly at his brother, who was confused, bleeding from his face, and probably never going to assume that someone was gay ever again. "You wish I was a female? No, I think you have it all wrong. If either of us were female,"

A strange grin appeared on his face, and he wasn't exactly sure why. "It would be you."
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